Sunday, February 10, 2008

Life is full of laughs!!

Hi All! So the new and exciting things at our house a pretty much centered around Annaka. Porter is starting to talk and do some baby sign language (please, thank you). His favorite thing is to say "Roar!!" or "Wow!!". They sound a lot a like-- it just depends on what he is doing. has been crazy with her lately. Last week she got into a bottle of vitamins--Dora, they were highly tempting. Anyway, we had a run-in with poison control. She understood that they were going to make her "poop a lot" in order to get the vitamins out of her stomach, well, this cascaded into an interesting 3-year old logic. Never mind the candy scarfing in the bulk-food section of the store and the pay first, eat later lesson that week as well. Anyway, this week she had a cookie left over from my Activity Days activity. I had her bring me something in the other room, and Porter made a break for her cookie. He came in the room smiling with two fists full of cookies and a jam-packed mouth. She was hysterical. "Make him give it back! Get my cookie out of his belly! Make him poop out my cookie!!" She was obviously distraught and I was laughing so hard I was almost crying. I tried to explain that it didn't work that way and she responded with, "Girls don't eat poop! We eat cookies! Make him poop out my cookie!" Mom, I know it is potty talk, but sorry. It was funny. She also gave herself a pretty haircut this week after getting gum out of my purse, and into her hair, and back out again with scissors while I was in the shower. I need to take shorter showers (apparently!). Well, that is an update from our neck of the woods. More to come later. Love you all!

1 comment:

bentanelle said...

That is so funny! I don't think I will ever eat a cookie again!