Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

We hope you guys have a great day Alicia and Aaron! Happy Anniversary, we love you guys! Ben hopes you don't try to make a romantic dinner in that kitchen of yours. (it might not be that romantic this year!)


The Pack's said...

Thank you! We had a great time. We went to dinner at The Melting Pot! So Yummy! I would definitely recommend it, but be prepared for the price...a little pricey but ideal for a special occasion like an anniversary.

Also, I had another idea for the blog. Can you set the posts to read in chronological order from most recent. I think it would be helpful for all of us to not have to scroll to the bottom to find the latest post to the blog.

bentanelle said...

I thought that it did read that way!!!

The Melting Pot has always sounded good. We are glad you had a good day!