Wednesday, March 16, 2011

With a little luck..

we are hoping to catch a leprechaun tonight. We have the trap set up perfectly with 5 pennies set to entice...

unfortunately I don't think we will be successful because the sneaky little bugger already rampaged through our kitchen.. (just as he did in Mrs. Trilling's first grade class this week)

Oh, well better luck next year! the kleenex box was wrapped in tin foil earlier this evening, but didn't make it the whole night that might have been the downfall.. everyone knows that it is the shine that attracts them.

Hopefully we still have a little bit of luck left over for tomorrow's activities!!
Happy St. Patrick's day!!

1 comment:

mom said...

This looked like a good trap to me. Did the leprechon(sp) get the five pennies?